Kitchen Table Talk Blog:
United We Stand

Is It True That Donald Trump Wants to Repeal Obamacare? . . . And What’s Trump’s Healthcare Plan Anyway?
healthcare Julie Shields healthcare Julie Shields

Is It True That Donald Trump Wants to Repeal Obamacare? . . . And What’s Trump’s Healthcare Plan Anyway?

1. Is it true that Former President Donald Trump wants to repeal Obamacare (“the Affordable Care Act” or “ACA”)?  2.  Is it true that Trump tried to repeal Obamacare, or did he salvage Obamacare? 3. Is it true that Donald Trump does not have a healthcare plan (Trumpcare health plan)?

Nobody knows for sure whether Donald Trump remains committed to repealing Obamacare. During the Presidential Debate against Kamala Harris, he seemed to indicate that he might try to replace the ACA if he could come up with a plan that was better and more affordable. He did not state a definitive position on whether he still wanted to repeal Obamacare or not.

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How to Lower The Temperature In Conversation In Six Steps: After The Trump Assassination Attempt
Julie Shields Julie Shields

How to Lower The Temperature In Conversation In Six Steps: After The Trump Assassination Attempt

It’s time to lower the temperature in conversation: here are six easy steps to take down the political tone. The reactions to the Trump assassination attempt escalated partisanship and division, at a time when all Americans could and should have come together to decry political violence and to ask how this could have happened. Social media, slanted media, and hyper-partisanship all contribute to the problem, but we can take steps in our own lives to tamp it down, and prevent hate from circulating and growing.

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