Kitchen Table Talk Blog:
United We Stand

Common Decency In A Candidate: A Lesson In Civility
Picture this scene. Zoom in on a political town-hall event or rally for a presidential candidate. The race is tight. In the Q&A section, a supporter attacks the candidate’s opponent. Strongly.
The supporter suggests the opponent, a candidate for president, is a terrorist. The audience claps.
“We’re scared, we’re scared of a [fill in opponent’s name] presidency”, he says.
The supporter begins to explain that the opponent’s consorts include domestic terrorists. The opponent has a funny sounding name, as one of his parents came from another country. Some have suggested he’s not even American. The presidential candidate holding the event shakes his head. He doesn’t want this applause, for this accusation.
“No, no, no,” he says, reaching for the microphone.